Tag Archive for crymio kutyauripo

Elliot Ziwira Reviews Kutyauripo’s ‘Museve Usingapotse’

Kutyauripo, the Custodian of Shona Cultural Values   CHINUA Achebe writes in “African Writers Talking” (1972:7) that: “. . . what I think a novelist can teach is something very fundamental, namely to indicate to his readers, to put it crudely that we in Africa did not hear of culture for the first time from…

Shona: Vhenyenguro yebhuku ‘Museve Usingapotse’, na Tinashe Muchuri

Tinshe Muchuri anopinda matare naCrymio Kutyauripo mubhuku Museve usingapotse rakatsikiswa mugore ra2014, neCollege Press Mapeji  134 ISBN 9781779006189 Museve usingapotse inyaya yaKaringe mwanakomana waMambo Chakaingesu uyo airwira nyika yake yainge yabvutwa nemuzukuru wake Pondai. Munyaya iyi munobuda hudzamu hwedzidziso yeupenyu yemunhu mutema kusati kwazouya dzizdiso iriyo mukore uno. Musoro webhuku ‘Museve usingapotse’ chirevo chinoudzamu ukuru.…