The poetry section features poetry by Dawn Promislow, who was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa and has lived in Toronto since 1987. Her writing has appeared in Maple Tree Literary Supplement, Numero Cinq, Canopic Jar, Random House’s Hazlitt, SLiP (Stellenbosch Literary Project), Canadian Poetries and StoryTime, among others, and has been anthologized in TOK: Writing the New Toronto, book 5 (Zephyr Press, 2010), and African Roar 2012 (StoryTime Publications, 2012). Her debut short story collection, Jewels and Other Stories (TSAR Publications, 2010), was long-listed for the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award 2011, and was named one of the 8 best fiction debuts of 2011 by the Globe and Mail (Canada). She is writing her second book, a novel, while continuing to write and publish short fiction and poems. Read Dawn’s poems here