

BEAVEN TAPURETA HARARE, ZIMBABWE: Prolific Zimbabwean writer and poet Oscar Gwiriri is proud of his mother tongue, Shona, which he is doing his best to preserve through writing and defending it from being diluted by modern communication technologies and other forces. Shona is one of Zimbabwe’s sixteen official languages and is spoken in five major…

Outstanding Reading Spirit

Outstanding Reading Spirit by Bookshelf The story of a book lover Costa Shizha (60), a resident of Epworth, Harare, is testimony that ordinary Zimbabweans have not yet lost appetite for reading literature for leisure. Book purchasing habits may have undeniably diminished due to economic factors but the craving for books still exists. Neighbours, friends and…

Poetry by Chisiya Writers’ Workshop Members

Chisiya Writers's excursion to Chisiya Hill, after which the workshop is named.

Rural Writers’ Organization Nurturing Talent This month Munyori Literary Journal publishes a special feature of Shona poets who are members of the Chisiya Writers’ Workshop Whatsapp Group, which is part of the Chisiya Writers’ Club. We are excited about this, as the works showcase the level of talent and hard work coming out of the…

Nhetembo Shanu dza Emmanuel Mhike Hove (Zimbabwe)

Emmanuel Mhike Hove akaberekwa kwaMazvihwa, Zimbabwe, mugore ra1987. Mwana weimba yovushe hwekwaMazvihwa uyo anombodzwa nerekuti “Prince of Mazvihwa” . Akadzidza paGudo Primary School nepaGwavachemai Secondary, achibva azopedzisira paZvishavane High, asati aenda kuMidlands State University, uko abuda neHonours degree reMusic and Musicology. Akashanda paMusic Arts  and Culture Festival iyo yaachiri kubatsira nanhasi. Mhike ndoumwe veavo vakauya…

New Shona Fiction by Idzai Iris Mushayabasa (Zimbabwe)

Jpeg This is the second story by Idzai Mushayabasa to be featured in Munyori. Her 2015 story entitled  Zvibaye Wega was a delight to many readers in Southern Africa, She comes back with “Zvipenga Zvipenga”, a rich story that will grab the attention of many readers of Shona. Born in Masvingo Province in Mwenezi District,…

New Shona Story by Idzai Iris Mushayabasa

Born in Masvingo Province in Mwenezi District, Idzai Iris Mushayabasa holds a Bachelor of Arts General Degree (English and Linguistics) from the University of Zimbabwe and has taught at Vurasha Secondary School in Mberengwa, Mwenezi High School and Chibaya Secondary School in Masvingo Province. She is a new poet and writer who has three of…

Elliot Ziwira Reviews Kutyauripo’s ‘Museve Usingapotse’

Kutyauripo, the Custodian of Shona Cultural Values   CHINUA Achebe writes in “African Writers Talking” (1972:7) that: “. . . what I think a novelist can teach is something very fundamental, namely to indicate to his readers, to put it crudely that we in Africa did not hear of culture for the first time from…

Hurukuro: Tinashe Muchuri Anozeya Nhetembo naLinda Gabriel

Madzimai paanonyora nhetembo dzerudo vanenge vanonetseka kunyora vachinyatsobudisa zvavanonzwa kana vapinda murudo. Memory Chirere anovapa mhosva yekunyora pane imwe nguva savarume kwete samadzimai. Pane kuti ndakadya John vanonyora kuti ‘Ndakadyiwa naSara.’ Zvakadaro zvinoonekwa kuti pane mamwe madzimai anoburitsa zviri kutsi kwemoyo yawo munyaya dzerudo achishandisa rurimi rwechichiRungu. Madzimai akaita saPrimrose Dzenga naEve Nyemba vanonyatsobudisa shuviro…

New Poetry from Peter Muzira (Zimbabwe/Canada)

As we prepare for the expansion of the Shona section, we present five poems by  Peter Muzira. These poems are excerpted from his upcoming collection, Maungira Mudenhere. Muzira is a craftsman whose works preserves and energizes the Shona language. The poetry taps into the wisdom and culture of the Karanga people in the Chivi area,…