The Bed of Injustice, a Short Story by Lazarus Nyagwambo The empty space next to her felt too expansive. The absence of Rewai, her husband of fifty years, weighed on her heavier than it had on previous nights when he had not shared her bed with her. She longed more than ever to reach out…
Africa, international, Poetry, Shona, zimbabwe
Poetry by Chisiya Writers’ Workshop Members

Rural Writers’ Organization Nurturing Talent This month Munyori Literary Journal publishes a special feature of Shona poets who are members of the Chisiya Writers’ Workshop Whatsapp Group, which is part of the Chisiya Writers’ Club. We are excited about this, as the works showcase the level of talent and hard work coming out of the…
Africa, african writing, Book News, Fiction, international, Interviews, zimbabwe
Interview in Shona: Tinashe Muchuri Anokurukura naIgnatius Mabasa

Munyori Shona Contributing Editor, Tinashe Muchuri, chats with Ignatius Mabasa on story telling in the Ngano genre. The interview is allowed to unfold organically, with all its kinks, knots, pauses, digressions, interruptions and empty spaces. In talking about ngano, the two writers were telling each other ngano; they were both audience and story-teller at the…
Fiction, international, zimbabwe
New Fiction by Rumbi Munochiveyi (Zimbabwe)

We have just published a new short story, “A Certain Time Ago”, by Rumbi Munochiveyi, a Zimbabwean writer who is currently completing her B.S. in Mathematics at the Worcester State University, Massachusetts. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and four children. Ambuya died on a breezy, late August afternoon, twenty-five…
african writing, beaven tapureta, Fiction, international, Poetry, win zimbabwe, zimbabwe
“Poetry Heals Me,” says Ethel Kabwato (Zimbabwe)

Poetry has an indescribable power to do different things to different people. To the Zimbabwean poet and writer Ethel Kabwato, poetry is therapeutic and allows her to be happy, sad, or inspirational. In a wide-ranging interview with Beaven Tapureta, poet Ethel Kabwato revealed how poetry launched her onto a career which she finds self-healing and…
beaven tapureta, Book News, Fiction, win zimbabwe, zimbabwe
A Conversation with Farayi Mungoshi

Although author and film maker Farayi Mungoshi comes from an artistically gifted family, he has found his own niche. He recently published Behind The Wall Everywhere and Other Stories (2016, Mungoshi Press) which is an amazing collection of English short stories, and he is finalizing work on the film Makunun’unu Maodzamoyo, based on his father…
Africa, beaven tapureta, Book News, Book Reviews, Fiction, USA, win zimbabwe, zimbabwe
Beaven Tapureta Reviews “Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun” by Sarah Ladipo Manyika

Sarah Ladipo Manyika was raised in Nigeria and has lived in Kenya, France, and England. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and teaches literature at San Francisco State University. Her first novel, In Dependence, was published by Legend Press in London, Cassava Republic Press in Abuja and Weaver Press in Harare.…
Africa, african writing, Book News, Fiction, Poetry, Shona, zimbabwe
Nhetembo Shanu dza Emmanuel Mhike Hove (Zimbabwe)

Emmanuel Mhike Hove akaberekwa kwaMazvihwa, Zimbabwe, mugore ra1987. Mwana weimba yovushe hwekwaMazvihwa uyo anombodzwa nerekuti “Prince of Mazvihwa” . Akadzidza paGudo Primary School nepaGwavachemai Secondary, achibva azopedzisira paZvishavane High, asati aenda kuMidlands State University, uko abuda neHonours degree reMusic and Musicology. Akashanda paMusic Arts and Culture Festival iyo yaachiri kubatsira nanhasi. Mhike ndoumwe veavo vakauya…
Africa, african writing, Fiction, Shona, zimbabwe
New Shona Fiction by Idzai Iris Mushayabasa (Zimbabwe)

Jpeg This is the second story by Idzai Mushayabasa to be featured in Munyori. Her 2015 story entitled Zvibaye Wega was a delight to many readers in Southern Africa, She comes back with “Zvipenga Zvipenga”, a rich story that will grab the attention of many readers of Shona. Born in Masvingo Province in Mwenezi District,…
Africa, african writing, Fiction, international, new writing, zimbabwe
Short fiction by Nhlanhla Junior Ngulube (South Africa)

Nhlanhla Junior Ngulube says of himself: “My name is Nhlanhla Junior Ngulube. I was born in Zimbabwe, raised in Johannesburg, and now live in China where I am pursuing my Masters degree. I hold an undergraduate degree in Accounting (With honors in Finance) from the University Of Cape Town. Writing, however, remains my primordial love,…