Nancy Aidé González is a Chicana poet, educator, and activist. She graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. She attended Las Dos Brujas Writer’s Workshop in 2012. Her work has appeared in Huizache The magazine of Latino literature, Mujeres De Maiz Zine, DoveTales, Tule Review, Seeds of Resistance Flor y Canto: Tortilla Warrior, La Bloga, and several other literary journals. Her work is featured in the Sacramento Voices: Foam at the Mouth Anthology (2013). She is a participating member of Escritores del Nuevo Sol.
By Nancy Aidé González
The forgotten rust-colored key
fit in the palm of my hand
its ridges would unlock a door
leading elsewhere.
The key could open a
door to a place with green fields
where sorrows are laid to rest
and wildflowers grow without weeds
a spot where we could speak of things
that will never make sense
There we could whisper the desires in our hearts
we could laugh, and laugh
and kiss
and fall asleep .
There we could spin all the things that
weigh us down into satin ribbons
weave the ribbons into kites
fly the kites
and let them drift
away into the wind.
By Nancy Aidé González
It will take time – this r e c o n s t r u c t i o n
intervals of breaths
cobblestones of faith
surge of calm
when we come to the recognition that
I am you and you are me
interwoven webs of linked networks of bones, flesh, soul
The time has come to occupy the light
for peace to dwell in our hearts
for all of us to unite – a patchwork
peregrinate cultural differences
put our fingers on disillusionment
heal the chasms
our humanity has not been lost
hearts and hands opened, we stand on blades of grass
miles from somewhere
above the stars – galaxies of promise
collages of beauty
scintillating p a t h w a y s beyond.
DoveTales, 2013
Pink Sentinels
By Nancy Aidé González
Smoke stack emissions rise contaminating the atmosphere
jackals roam looking for las hijas de México
one more female homicide increased body count
no one knows exactly how many 500 1,000 5,000
silent screams
fill the night in a fallow
cotton field from catacombs
cries of women that have disappeared
into the twilight
give testimony to the smoldering moon
in low tones they beseech that we not forget the transgressions of those that took their lives
they request tangible justice while mocking rebuke
for crimes overlooked for a price
dust-covered case files piled on disarrayed desk
the spider web binding them together
mothers hold signs take to asphalt
march, weep, light candles that illuminate twinge wounds
pink splintered crosses stand as sentinels
for the abomination mire entwines.
Tapestry of Dawn
By Nancy Aidé González
Sun, summoning dawn
truth will come with portraits of consciousness
narratives of shelter
interlocked woven fabrics
find equilibrium
strings of transcendence in cosmos
beyond ancient knowledge alive
planets orbit echoing memory of universe
saffron stars manifest wholeness
nimbus treasures – rain
jaguars roam spirit realm
leave prints where
trees take root
in tierra firme
drawing humanity closer.
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