There is a badge of shame that seems to haunt Zimbabwean characters in a foreign country, especially when Zimbabwe itself is in the limelight for its economic and political instabilities.
Writivism shortlisted writer Abu Amirah finds pleasure in the written word because of the ability to lose himself in an infectious world filled with characters begging to come to life, metaphors, muse and madness; and amid all this, the power to give the reader permission to laugh, cry, love and hate! Read is shortlisted story…
With an insider’s intimacy, author Carine Fabius, in Saturday Comes: A Novel of Love and Vodou, dispels the religious, social and cultural stereotypes and myths shrouding her native Haiti in an atmospheric coming-of-age tale that pits the bourgeois Chenet family against the impoverished Saint Fleurs – their live-in cook Jizzeline and her young daughter Maya. Driven…
Mungoshi worked on this novel for twenty years Branching Streams Flow in the Dark by Charles Mungoshi, published in 2013 by Mungoshi Press, Harare, 165 pages, ISBN: 978 079 7444911, prize$18, phone: +263 774054341 Reviewed by Memory Chirere This transcendental novel, Branching Streams Flow in the Dark, published by his family, marks the long awaited ’return’ of…
Read Marina Burana’s story, “Soccer Sunday“, about a soccer-addicted grandmother, whose role to the protagonist, although not stereotypical, is at last fulfilling and enriching. Marina Burana is an Argentinean writer born and raised in a city facing the sea. She has published two books of short stories in Spanish (”A Merlina”, 2007 and ”De escritores y miserias”, 2008) and has collaborated in…
Rumbi Munochiveyi is Zimbabwean mother of four and lives in Massachusettes USA. She is a new writer who loves African Contemporary writing and hopes to contribute to it in the future. We introduce Zimbabwean writer Rumbi Munochiveyi, with her coming-of-age story, “Before the Husbands, the Boys We Knew”. Read a story that explores the familiar landscape of growing up,…