Emmanuel Mhike Hove akaberekwa kwaMazvihwa, Zimbabwe, mugore ra1987. Mwana weimba yovushe hwekwaMazvihwa uyo anombodzwa nerekuti “Prince of Mazvihwa” . Akadzidza paGudo Primary School nepaGwavachemai Secondary, achibva azopedzisira paZvishavane High, asati aenda kuMidlands State University, uko abuda neHonours degree reMusic and Musicology. Akashanda paMusic Arts and Culture Festival iyo yaachiri kubatsira nanhasi. Mhike ndoumwe veavo vakauya…
Tag Archive for shona poetry
Africa, Book News, Shona
New Poetry from Peter Muzira (Zimbabwe/Canada)
As we prepare for the expansion of the Shona section, we present five poems by Peter Muzira. These poems are excerpted from his upcoming collection, Maungira Mudenhere. Muzira is a craftsman whose works preserves and energizes the Shona language. The poetry taps into the wisdom and culture of the Karanga people in the Chivi area,…