Laure Gnagbé Blédou whose short story, “I Haven’t Returned”, was shortlisted in August 2016 for Writivism short story competition, is passionate, a woman, lover, mother, daughter, sister, cousin, friend, Africa-ddict, thirty-something, impatient, Ivorian, French, human, reader, speaker, writer, demanding, citizen, vegetarian, traveller, road-trip fan, learner, book-lover, bridge-lover, chocolate-lover, music enthusiast, sharer, feminist, old-school, new-school, journalist.…
Tag Archive for writivism 2016
Africa, african writing, Fiction, international, new writing, writing contests, writivism shortlist
Boyi by Gloria Mwaniga Minage (Kenya)
Gloria Mwaniga Minage is a high school teacher in Baringo where she also runs a children’s reading club. She is also a freelance writer of literary pieces for The Saturday Nation and The East African newspapers as well as coordinator of Amka, a literary workshop that meets monthly at the Goethe Institut in Nairobi to…
Africa, african writing, Fiction, international, new writing, writing contests, writivism shortlist
SunDown by Acan Innocent Immaculate (Uganda)
Africa, african writing, Fiction, writing contests, writivism shortlist
The Swahilification of Mutembei by Abu Amirah (Kenya)
Writivism shortlisted writer Abu Amirah finds pleasure in the written word because of the ability to lose himself in an infectious world filled with characters begging to come to life, metaphors, muse and madness; and amid all this, the power to give the reader permission to laugh, cry, love and hate! Read is shortlisted story…