Akuko Announces New Contest for African Writers

A new literary magazine of African writing, whose inaugural issues if slated for July 2021, has announced a contest for African writers on the continent and in the Diaspora.  This new literary outfit  is “a space for African writers to tell the stories of the continent and its peoples worldwide.”



Akuko’s vision includes the following goals: 

  • To create a world where African stories matter and are seen as worth preserving  and passing on.
  • To create a repository of African stories, thoughts and creativity and to make these works easily available for enjoyment and for academic pursuit.
  • To nurture African artists and thinkers and help them flourish.

Akuko is making a call for submissions to the 2020 competition.  Below are the guidelines: 

For its inaugural year, Akuko Magazine will accept works in the following categories: 
– Fiction
– Nonfiction
– Poetry
We will choose a total of 21 writers to publish in our inaugural issue. Three writers in each category will be chosen to receive our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes. Twelve additional writers will also be chosen for publication. Because we believe in the importance of artists being paid for their work, selected writers will receive the following compensation:

– First place in each category will receive $250
– Second place in each category will receive $100
– Third place in each category will receive $50
– Additional writers chosen will receive $25 

All writers chosen for the prizes and publication will have the added benefit of working with editors to help further shape and improve their work.
August 15 – November 30, 2020 : Submission Window

March 2021: Winners and runner-ups are notified and announced

March – May 2021: Content development and editing period

June 2021: Publication Design and Layout

July 2021: First issue of Akuko releases
For more information on Akuko, visit their website.